Friday, November 21, 2008

Prop. 8: Hate or Morality?

The issue of Proposition 8 has the nation's gay and lesbian community taking to the streets in protest and to the courts for legal recourse. In California's election, Proposition 8 asked the question on whether the State should prohibit same-sex marriage. A great deal of advertising was generated from both sides of the argument. On the No on 8 side, California NAACP President Alice Huffman voiced commercials that told us that a Yes vote would amount to hate and discrimination. Those who campaigned for your Yes vote suggested that our schools were already teaching students about same sex marriage.

The expectation of most in the nation would be that the African American Community's vote would make or break the outcome. The proponents of No on 8 thought the community would recognize an affinity between their movement and the Civil Rights Movement. However, a lot of people are annoyed as the gay rights community parallels their struggle with that of the Civil Rights Movement. It's a moral matter, not a civil rights issue, they say. The gay community and those in support of the measure say to vote against gay marriage is hate and discrimination....

What do you think??? Comment below:

On election night, we were broadcasting live from the Magic Johnson TGI Friday's and Lon McQ, Tammi Mac, and Zenja Ricks observed the importance of the vote regarding Proposition 8. View the discussion here: